19. Ear & Cheek Simulator - 43AG

The GRAS 43AG Ear and Cheek Simulator is a unique, multi-faceted and multi-purpose tool that helps you accomplish the job in an effective and efficient manner. We call it the table-top KEMAR as it offers you much of the KEMAR capability in a convenient and portable packaging.


GRAS 43AG 耳廓及面颊模拟器是一款独特、多面、多用途的工具,可帮助您以有效和高效的方式完成工作。 我们将其称为桌面式KEMAR,因为它以便携的包装为您提供了大部分KEMAR功能。

More details

43AG is to assist you in all facets of the product development cycle: From R&D testing to the final test and approval of the finished product. As your product is put together, your team needs to ensure that individual changes do not conflict with your overall vision. Much of this validation work can be accomplished at their desks, in real time, making you comfortable and giving you the stamp of approval of the final product.

43AG旨在帮助您完成产品开发周期的不同阶段:从研发测试到最终测试受以及批准成品的阶段。随着您把零部件组成为成品,您的团队需要确保个別零部件的变更不会与整体的愿景发生冲突。 使用43AG能让大部分验证工作都可以在办公桌上实时完成,让您舒适地进行验证工作以及轻松获得最终产品的批准印章。


Additionally, very few manufacturers have their entire production vertically integrated and are therefore highly dependent on the quality delivered by their sub-suppliers. To ensure the quality of the complete product, G.R.A.S. offers a variety of mobile test platforms that can easily be deployed at your supplier and in your own in-coming control department. The 43AG Ear and Cheek Simulator by G.R.A.S. provides that comfort and security: The parts comply to the highest standards: Yours.

此外,很少有制造商将其整个生产垂直整合,因此制造商会高度依赖其子供应商提供的质量。 为了确保完整产品的质量,GRAS 提供各种移动测试平台,可以让您在供应商和您自己的控制部门轻松部署。 GRAS的43AG耳廓及面颊模拟器提供舒适性和安全性:零件符合您的最高标准。


Typical applications and use


The 43AG is a multi-purpose tool and can for example be used to verify frequency response, distortion, isolation and leakage.



Its versatility means that it can be used for testing of both concha and insert types earphones. It can also be used for headphone and headset testing, both circumaural and supra-aural types. Also, all common types of hearing-aids, and telephone handset can be tested with the 43AG.

它的多功能性意味着它可以用于测试耳机和插入式耳机。 它还可用于不同的耳机测试,包括耳罩式和耳罩式测试。 此外,所有常见类型的助听器和电话听筒都可以使用43AG进行测试。


To make ordering and decision making easier, we have made 43AG available in 7 configurations. Except for a few simple steps, they are fully assembled, calibrated and ready for use.为了简化订购和决策,我们提供了7种配置。 只需几个简单的组装步骤,便可以立刻使用。


The following configurations are available(可以使用以下配置):

43AG-1 and -2

43AG-1 Ear and Cheek Simulator LEMO is configured with an Externally Polarized Ear Simulator According to IEC 60318-4 and a large KEMAR Right Pinna 55 Shore OO. 

43AG-1耳廓及面颊模拟器LEMO配置了根据IEC 60318-4的外部偏振耳模拟器和大码的KEMAR右边耳廓 Pinna 55 Shore OO。


43AG-2 Ear and Cheek Simulator CCP is configured with a Prepolarized Ear Simulator According to IEC 60318-4 and a large KEMAR Right Pinna 55 Shore OO.

43AG-2 耳廓及面颊模拟器LEMO配置了根据IEC 60318-4的的预极化耳模拟器和大码的KEMAR右边耳廓 Pinna 55 Shore OO。


With these configurations, tests can be performed according to the following standards:


-IEC 60959

-IEC 60318-4 (former 前身是 IEC 60711) 

-ITU-T Rec. P.57 Type 2 Artificial Ear (第二种类型的仿真耳)

-ITU-T Rec. P.57 Type 3.3 Pinna Simulator (第3.3种类型的仿真耳)


43AG-3 and -4

43AG-3 Ear and Cheek Simulator w Anthropometric Pinna LEMO is configured with an Externally Polarized Ear Simulator According to IEC 60318-4 and a large KEMAR Right Anthropometric Pinna 35 Shore OO.

43AG-3耳廓及面颊模拟器Pinna LEMO配置了根据IEC 60318-4的外部偏振耳模拟器和大的KEMAR右边人体测量耳廓Pinna 35 Shore OO。


43AG-4 Ear and Cheek Simulator w Anthropometric Pinna CCP is configured with a Prepolarized Ear Simulator According to IEC 60318-4 and a large KEMAR Right Anthropometric Pinna 35 Shore OO.

43AG-4耳廓及面颊模拟器Pinna CCP配置了根据IEC 60318-4的预极化耳模拟器和大码的KEMAR右边人体测量耳廓Pinna 35 Shore OO。


The anthropometric pinna has anatomically shaped concha and ear canal, resulting in Improved fit and repeatability. The outer pinna has improved collapsability. In addition to the traditional push mounting from the outside, the pinna is secured with two screws from the inside. These two screw ensure that the pinna is held firmly in place. Therefore, it seals perfectly against the ear simulator and the cheek plate, and it is therefore possible to mount and dismount DUTs repeatedly without compromising the seal. The outer shape of the anthropometric pinna conforms with ITU-T Type 3.3. Read more about the anthropometric pinna here.

人体测量耳廓具有解剖学上形状的外耳和耳道,从而提高了贴合性和可重复性。 外耳廓具有改善了的可折叠性。 除了从外部进行传统的推入式安装外,耳廓还从内侧用两个螺钉固定。 这两个螺钉确保耳廓牢固地固定到位。 因此,它一完美地密封在耳模拟器和面颊颊板上,因此可以重复地安装和拆卸待测品而不损害其密封性。 人体测量耳廓的外形符合ITU-T 的3.3类。这里阅读有关人体测量耳廓的更多信息。


Choose one of these configurations if you need to test insert type earphones, or if you want the benefits of the improved collapsability of the new pinna when testing circum- and supra-aural earphones.




43AG-5 Ear and Cheek Simulator, Low-noise, is configured with a 43BB low-noise ear simulator system and a large KEMAR Right Anthropometric Pinna 35 Shore OO.

43AG-5耳廓及面颊模拟器,低噪音,配置43BB低噪音耳模拟器系统和大码的KEMAR右边人体测量耳廓Pinna 35 Shore OOPinna 35 Shore OO。


The new improved pinna has anatomically shaped concha and ear canal and offers better fit, placement and seal, resulting in improved low frequency testing and better low-noise testing. Also, the more realistic ear canal combined with a more flexible pinna provides greater repeatability in measurements of in-ear, circum-aural or supra-aural headphones. The outer shape of the anthropometric pinna conforms with ITU-T Type 3.3. 

新的改进耳廓具有解剖学上形状的耳廓和耳道,提供更好的贴合,放置和密封,从而改善了低频测试和更好的低噪声测试。 此外,更真实的耳道与更灵活的耳廓相结合,可为耳内,耳环或耳罩式耳机的测量提供更高的可重复性。 人体测量耳廓的外形符合ITU-T 3.3类。


The reduced noise floor of the 43BB low-noise system results in very good correlation to subjective listening results. 

43BB低噪声系统降低的本底噪声与主观收听结果具有非常好的相关性。 43BB低噪声系统降低了固有噪聲電平并使化您能获得与主观听力结果非常好的相关性。


43AG-6 and -7 

43AG-6 Ear and Cheek Simulator, High Resolution, LEMO is  configured with an externally polarized High Resolution Ear Simulator and a large KEMAR Right Anthropometric Pinna 35 Shore OO.

43AG-6耳廓及面颊模拟器,高分辨率,LEMO配置有外部极化高分辨率耳模拟器和大码的KEMAR右边人体测量耳廓Pinna 35 Shore OO。


43AG-7 Ear and Cheek Simulator, High Resolution CCP  is configured with a prepolarized High Resolution Ear Simulator and a large KEMAR Right Anthropometric Pinna 35 Shore OO.

43AG-7耳廓及面颊模拟器,高分辨率CCP配置有预极化的高分辨率耳模拟器和大码的KEMAR右边人体测量耳廓Pinna 35 Shore OO。


The GRAS RA0401 is an externally polarized  high resolution version of the well-known standardized 60318-4 ear simulator, RA0402 is the prepolarized equivalent. They comply with IEC60318-4, but extend the useful frequency range to 20 kHz within a narrow tolerance band. 


GRAS RA0401是众所周知(标准化)60318-4耳模拟器的外部极化高分辨率版本,RA0402则是预极化等效物。 它们符合IEC60318-4,但能在窄公差带内将有用频率范围扩展到20 kHz。


S&V Samford


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