List of products by manufacturer Anapol

Anapol Instrument Engineering Inc is a Swiss joint stock company that has been engaged in emission testing technology since 1986. Both development and production take place in Switzerland.

Anapol Instrument Engineering Inc is a Swiss joint stock company that has been engaged in emission testing technology since 1986. Both development and production take place in Switzerland.

For over 28 years, it develops and manufactures advanced portable anapol emission analyzers; it is a pioneer in the manufacture of measuring instruments using electrochemical sensors and infrared technology. Anapol is a small and innovative company that attaches a great importance on direct customer relationships, excellent service and comprehensive advice.

The company employs 12 people and organises the sales and marketing of its equipment via agents abroad or by selling directly within Switzerland.

Anapol has extended the range of its activities in april 2012 with the Climate Metrology Department.

New: you may find the following products:

- Professional measurement instruments "climate"
- Digital inspection cameras and endoscopes
- Modern sound level meters
- Material and measuring instruments for building diagnosis
- Very performant data loggers and much more...


The flue gas ananlyzer anapol EU-5000 E is an electronical measurement device which was especially conceived for the monitoring and optimal adjustment of industry furnaces and for gasoline and diesel engines.  S&V Samford Instrument Ltd. More Details...

ANASTAR VEGA  The most compact emissions analyzer in a new dimension in the operation

TEMPERATURE / HUMIDITY / CO2 , DATA COLLECTOR OPUS 20 TCO  ------------ After having been almost constant for the last ten thousand years, the proportion of carbon dioxide with about 280 ppm (parts per million) i.e. 280 gas molecules per 1 million air molecules, in recent years this measured value is rapidly increasing, with approx. 2% per year.

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