List of products by manufacturer LSI

Since 1972, LSI-LASTEM Srl of Milano (Italy) develops, manufactures and delivers worldwide the most complete range of high quality environmental monitoring systems.

Since 1972, LSI-LASTEM Srl of Milano (Italy) develops, manufactures and delivers worldwide the most complete range of high quality environmental monitoring systems.

LSI LASTEM instruments suits virtually any type of application, guaranteeing accurate and reliable measurement of environmental parameters both for portable and long term monitoring, outdoors and indoors.

Our comprehensive range of products includes sensors, data acquisition systems, software and installation accessories.

The company is specially engaged in business development and in the satisfaction of its customers, this commitment is realized through a series of after-sales services to ensure that our customers always have efficient, accurate and updated equipment. Our quality policy and after sale services are active to ensure problem resolution that may arise in our products.

Read more about our story and visit our head office.

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Alpha-Log is the latest model of the LSI LASTEM’s data loggers’family. It contains the most efficient technical solutions coming from 40 years’ experience of LSI LASTEM about data acquisition systems.

Pluvi-ONE is a data logger dedicated to rain monitoring plus other related quantities for hydrological applications where early warnings activities are required. Pluvi-ONE has a series of unique features currently available in a single device and represents the current "state of the art" for rain measurement system and early warnings activity in...

E-log has been explicitly designed for environmental applications: it is equipped with specific inputs for a wide range of sensors and calculations of derived quantities. 

M-Log is a compact data logger for environmental monitoring, suitable for both indoor and outdoor purposes. It can be mounted on a tripod for portable applications or installed inside an IP65 box for long-term outdoor applications.

R-Log data logger is a line of compact data loggers for environmental monitoring, suitable for portable indoor applications, but also fixed for continuous monitoring. R-Log can be connected to a wide range of LSI LASTEM's sensor. R-Log can receive measurements via radio from radio sensors, or from other R-Log units in order to create a wireless sensor...

Air temperature sensors mainly designed for meteorological applications. They are mounted inside high efficency radiant screen with natural or forced ventilation.

METEOROLOGICAL SENSORS  - Air temperature and Relative Humidity Precise and reliable, this sensor is suitable for continuous meteorological measurements also in severe environments and in presence of steep thermal and hygrometric variations.For outdoor application it should be coupled with a radiant screen. 

Thermometer probe with wet bulb and natural ventilation. ISO7726 standard. The Pt100 element is closed inside a wet cotton sock from a water tank. The water tank has a high reflection factor to avoid water temperature increase due to radiant sources. This sensor is needed for WBGT (ISO77243) heat stress index assessment.

Radiant temperature sensor TG (Pt100 output) The standard globe thermometer consists of a black-painted copper sphere with a diameter of 150 mm and a thickness of 0.4 mm. It contains a thermometer with its bulb at the center of the sphere. This sensor is described in the ISO7726 standard.

A Rain gauge is a device to measure liquid rain fall amount and intensity. The device is composed of a rain collector cone and a double-chamber tipping bucket connected to a magnet. The magnet operates one reed switch, which generates impulses that can be counted by external meters. 

Combined wind speed and wind direction sensor. This sensor range includes, in a single apparatus, transducers for both wind speed and wind direction measurement. 

Wind direction - Compact type Wind vane anemometer with 0-1 Vcc output generated by Hall effect transducer ----- Wind Direction - Standard type - direct and analog output Range of wind direction sensors. Analog and Ohm outputs

Showing 1 - 12 of 17 items