HALT- the G.R.A.S. quality...
HALT refers to the Highly Accelerated Lifetime Tests, which is also the quality mark of G.R.A.S. The HALT test of G.R.A.S. is created to confirm their microphones can perform under a real life situations.
S&V Samford Instrument Ltd
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G.R.A.S. is well known from providing the world class measurement microphones with plenty of reasons. G.R.A.S. created the testing standard , HALT, to make sure their microphones can perform well under the real-life situations.
S&V Samford Instrument Ltd
G.R.A.S. make sure you can get the best results every time. You will minimize the down time of your production with G.R.A.S. microphones. G.R.A.S. microphones being put through HALT to guarantee a that you can have a reliable repeatability in the end minimize the need to replacemet.
S&V Samford Instrument Ltd
HALT cpmsots of four different types of stress tests:
First, the Temperature stress test at constant and cclic temperatures. Second, the Humidity stress test. Third, the Vibration stress test. And the fouth one, Mechanical impulse stress test involvong shock and drop.
S&V Samford Instrument Ltd
You can understand more about HALT through the following Video
S&V Samford Instrument Ltd
Better testing means better products -The headphone market is expanding rapidly these years. Advances in technology have allowed for not only production of headphones in a wide range of types and forms, but also improved performance and connectivity. 耳机声学测试 More Details: New Headphone Testing
Acoustic Intensity Measurement System-AIMS III 声强测量系统-AIMS III ----- The Latest Generation hydrophone scanning system- The AIM III can help to enhance the acoustic measurement productivity to map acoustic fields in liquids. 最新一代水听器扫描系统 - AIM III 有助于提高声学测量效率,以绘制液体中的声场。 More Details: AIMs III
Our hydrophones are precision instruments: and the research institutes, companies and military outfits that we work with demand nothing less.
The HGL Series hydrophones were designed to meet or exceed recommendations of section 3.3.2 of the AIUM Acoustic Output Measurement Standard (May 1998). They have an exceptionally flat sensitivity in a small and sturdy package. These hydrophones are excellent in-house standards for ultrasonic acoustic intensity measurements, and for general purpose field...
Our hydrophones are precision instruments: and the research institutes, companies and military outfits that we work with demand nothing less.
The HM-series membrane hydrophones are the gold standard for pulsed wave imaging applications that require a flat response over a broad bandwidth. S&V Instruments HM 系列膜式水听器是脉冲波成像应用的黄金标准,需要在宽频宽上实现平坦响应。 More Details: HM Series
Our hydrophones are precision instruments: and the research institutes, companies and military outfits that we work with demand nothing less.
Needle hydrophones can provide a good reflection profile. Therefore, they are suitable for continuous wave applications. 针式水听器可以提供良好的反射剖面。因此,它们适用于连续波应用。 S&V instruments More Details: Needle Hydrophones
CCP Microphone Sets (测量麦克风) -Standard -Special -Necessories LEMO Microphone Sets (LEMO麦克风) -Standard -Special -Necessories S&V Samford Instruments Ltd. More Details: G.R.A.S Microphone Sets
The G.R.A.S. 67TS-1-CL Turbulence Screen Kit (67TS-1-CL 湍流屏幕) GRAS is designed for aeroacoustic testing in solid-walled wind tunnels. 专为实心壁风洞中的空气声学测试而设计。 s&v More Details: G.R.A.S Turbulence Screen Brochure
The 45CC Headphone Test Fixture is for dual-channel testing of headphones and headsets, and it is built on our vast experience in the field. With a focus on multiple configuration options and accurate and repeatable test results, the test fixture can easily be adapted to many different headphone/headset designs and sizes. 45CC耳机测试夹具用于耳机的双通道测试。 45CC...
G.R.A.S. has developed a wide range of acoustic sensors and dedicated accessories for testing in both anechoic and hard-walled wind tunnels in the near and far field, at low and high wind speeds. GRAS 开发了各种声学传感器和专用配件,专用于在近场和远场的消声和硬壁风洞中进行低风速和高风速的测试。 S&V Samford Instruments Ltd. More Deatails: Acoustic sensors Brochure
Typical applications and use 典型应用和使用 - Very Low Sound pressure measurements 极低的声压测量- Lownoise product measurements 低噪音产品测量- Lowlevel Sound power measurements 低水平声功率测量- Measurements on hard-disk drives, computer products, quiet rooms etc. 硬盘驱动器、计算机产品、安静房间等的测量 G.R.A.S.
SV 103 Personal Human Vibration Exposure meter is dedicated to hand-arm vibration measurements. The instrument meets ISO 8041:2005 and is the ideal choice for making measurements according to ISO 5349 and European Directive 2002/44/EC. --- SV 103 Personal Human Vibration Exposure meter专用于手臂振动测量。 该仪器符合ISO 8041:2005标准,是根据ISO 5349和欧洲指令2002/44 / EC进行测量的理想选择。
The 42AC is an extremely stable laboratory standard sound source which can also be used for field calibrations – it retains its high accuracy even under hostile environmental conditions. 42AC是一种非常稳定的实验室标准声源,也可用于现场校准 - 即使在恶劣的环境条件下也能保持高精度。
The G.R.A.S. Accredited Calibration Laboratory is accredited by DANAK, the Danish Accreditation Fund. This accreditation is a quality label that proves that our calibration laboratory complies with the ISO 17025 standard for laboratories. GRAS 认可的校准实验室获得丹麦认证基金DANAK的认可。 该认证是一种质量标签,证明GRAS的校准实验室符合实验室的ISO 17025标准。 ----Brochure
The GRAS 46DE is a 1/8'' CCP Pressure Microphone Set. The preamplifier is 1/8", making it the world's smallest microphone set. G.R.A.S. 46DE是1/8寸CCP压力麦克风。 前置放大器为1/8寸,使其成为世界上最小的麦克风。 --- Frequency Range 频率范围 : 6.5Hz to 140kHz Dynamic Range 动态范围 : 47 dB(A) to 175dB Sensitivity 灵敏度 : 0.62 V/Pa
The GRAS 47AC is a 1/2" CCP precision condenser microphone set for infra-sound measurements in open acoustic fields. G.RAS 47AC是1/2寸 CCP精度电容式传声器,例如,开放的声场红外声音测量设置。
The GRAS 42AG Multifunction Sound Calibrator is a portable, battery operated sound source for calibration and check of microphones and sound level meters. It is designed for field use and comes with a protective casing. It conforms to the requirements in IEC 60942 for a class 1 sound calibrator. GRAS 42AG多功能声音校准器是一种便携式电池供电声源,用于校准和检查麦克风和声级计。...
MB-2200M10 is an ultra compact and lightweight microphone that enables measurement in narrow spaces, where have been difficult to install, without giving influence to the sound field.
Piccolo II The 2nd generation Piccolo Sound Level Meter Piccolo Professional Integrating SLM Class 2 and Data logger Fully Complies with IEC 61672 and ANSI S1.4; Frequency span 20Hz to 16kHz; Level ranges: Lo: 30 dBA to 110 dBzPk —> Hi: 40 dBA to 130 dBzPk Piccolo II More Details: Piccolo II Sound Level Meter
Special microphones 特殊麦克风 GRAS Special microphones are often required for applications where there are particular requirements regarding the methods of measurements and configurations. GRAS More Details: Special microphones
43BB Low-noise Ear Simulator System 43BB低噪音耳模拟器系统 --- Volume: 1260 mm³ @ 500 HzDyn range: 10.5 dB(A) to 113 dBBased on IEC 60318-4 GRAS S&V The GRAS 43BB is a low-noise, high-sensitive ear simulator system for measurements of sound pressure levels close to or below the threshold of human hearing. GRAS 43BB是一款低噪音,高灵敏度的耳模拟器系统,用于测量接近或低于人类听觉阈值的声压级。...
Acoustic Camera - SOUNDCAM Ultra SoundCam Ultra is the first camera that images audible sound and ultrasound. The device locates sound sources in realtime and immediately displays the results on the screen. It is as easy to use as a smartphone.
Any smart device, any measurement 任何智能设备,任何测量 ------ SoundCheck offers simple, fast and accurate ‘open loop’ testing of any smart device – no matter what the form factor, functionality, connector, or additional features. SoundCheck 可为任何智能设备提供简单、快速和准确的“开环”测试——无论其外形尺寸、功能、连接器或附加特性如何。 ----- Voice Controlled Audio Devices Brochure 声控音频设备小册子