01. TOUGHPIX DIGITHERM (NEW!) - 精巧型数码和热成像摄像机




The TOUGHPIX DIGITHERM is a ruggedized, compact, high resolution digital imaging camera capable of capturing true 5MP visual images along with fully radiometric thermal images making this camera your go-to tool for fault finding, documentation whether your work is HVAC, building envelope inspections, electrical repair or facility maintenance.

More details

The TOUGHPIX DIGITHERM is a ruggedized, compact, high resolution digital imaging camera capable of capturing true 5MP visual images along with fully radiometric thermal images making this camera your go-to tool for fault finding, documentation whether your work is HVAC, building envelope inspections, electrical repair or facility maintenance.

TOUGHPIX DIGITHERM是一款坚固耐用,结构紧凑,高分辨率的数码成像相机,能够捕捉真正的500万像素视频图像以及全辐射热图像,使这款相机成为您查找故障的首选工具,记录您的工作是否为HVAC,建筑物外壳检查, 电气维修或设施维护。


Weighing in at under 400g, the TOUGHPIX DIGITHERM Is the lightest in class making it easier than ever to carry and transport.

TOUGHPIX DIGITHERM的重量不到400克,是同类产品中最轻的,比以往任何时候都更容易携带和运输。



-Adaptive thermal blending , come with IP54 rating

-5 megapixel digital camera with automatic, motorized focus. Capture High resolution visual images.

- Manufactured from lightweight but tough, aircraft grade aluminium

- Weight less than 400g

- WIFI Download images directly to your tablet or smartphone with the CorDEX CONNECT Mobile app or via an onboard webserver.

- Rechargeable removable battery

- Powerful LED flash for low light imaging

- Using CorDEX EMA, DIGITHERM can measure from -10C to +380C with accuracy upto 2% or 2degrees.

-  Alarm triggered recording                 

-  removable CorDEX Memory card            



- 自适应热混合,额定IP54

-5百万像素数码相机,具有自动,电动对焦功能。 捕获高分辨率视觉图像。

- 采用轻质但坚韧的飞机级铝制造

- 重量不到400克

- WIFI使用CorDEX CONNECT Mobile应用程序或通过板载网络服务器将图像直接下载到平板电脑或智能手机。

- 可充电可拆卸电池

- 强大的LED闪光灯,适用于低光成像

- 使用CorDEX EMA,DIGITHERM可在-10C至+ 380C范围内测量,精度可达2%或2度。

- 报警触发录制

- 可拆卸的CorDEX存储卡


CorDEX tried an experiment on the NEW Thermal and digital Imaging camera. They used a Truck weighing THREE TONS, as shown as in the video below.


 Granted, the camera had suffered a cracked screen, but it still turned on. A quick fix in the factory with a new screen, and it was as good as new.

当然,相机屏幕破裂,但仍然打开。 使用新屏幕快速修复工厂,它和新的一样。


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