02. Fourier Transform Infrared analyzer

CAI offers four analyzer models that utilize Fourier Transfer Infrared technology for measuring concentrations of multiple gases within a sample. CAI FTIR analyzers deliver fast, accurate analysis of virtually any gas that has an infrared absorption spectrum.

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- 700 FTIR – Most IR-absorbing gases at ppb and low-ppm levels

- 7000 FTIR Most IR-absorbing gases at ppb and low-ppm levels

700 FTIR Heated Sampler – For optimal hot/wet sample handling

FTIR Products Data Sheet


CAI FTIR analyzers are based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Non-symmetrical gas phase molecules absorb IR light, causing the molecular bonds to stretch, bend or rotate. This absorption is used to measure and quantify several chemical components simultaneously. CAI FTIR analyzers are well-suited for a wide range of applications, including:

Fourier Transform Infrared analyzer - 700 FTIR

- Stack gases (CEM/MACT)
- Vehicle emissions
- Process control
- VOC abatement/scrubber efficiency
- Ammonia slip
- Gas purity
- Agricultural emissions
- Greenhouse gas
- Biomass/landfill gas


FTIR Analyzer Highlights


- Accurate analysis of IR-absorbing gases

- Measure 20+ gases simultaneously 

- Low ppb to high % ranges

- No Liquid Nitrogen required 

- Low acquisition and operating costs


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