IRISS SMART Online Training- Infrared and Ultrasound

The Safety and Maintenance Academy of Reliability Technologies® Offer online training and certifications that provide you with the knowledge and practical experience necessary to complete electrical inspections safely and efficiently. 

Please contact us [ or call 2833 9987 (Kelvin)] for more details ! 


Level 1 Infrared 

This course is designed to meet and exceed ISO 18436 Part 7 CAT 1 and ANSI/ASNT CP105 & CP-189 (2016) Level 1 recommended practices, it covers all of the relevant infrared theory and physics required to produce a professional Thermography inspection report.


Course Objectives


- Thermal / Infrared Physics

- Temperature, How It Is Measured

- The Nature of Heat and Temperature

- Heat Transfer Mode Familiarisation

- Infrared Equipment Operation

- Calibration

- Infrared Applications

- Radiosity Concepts

- How To Do An Infrared Inspection

- Infrared Image and Documentation

- Support Data Collection

- Elements Of A Good Infrared Image

- Database Programs

- Report Generation


Student Receive

IRISS Certificate

Course Resource Manual

Level I Certification 



Level I Ultrasound 

This course is designed to meet and exceed ISO 18436 Part8 CAT 1 and ANSI/ANST CP-105 & CP-189(2016) Level 1 recommended practices, this course teaches students about the principles of Ultrasound and the use of Ultrasound Devices. Through the video modules, students will learn about the science of Ultrasound, the various applications for condition-based monitoring and reliability, methods to improve asset uptime, and all of the relevant Ultrasound theory and physics required to produce a professional Ultrasound inspection report.

Note:  1. It is recommended that the student have some basic experience with Ultrasound

          2.   For completion of assignments, student will need access to an Ultrasound Inspection Device


Course Objectives 

-  Theory of Ultrasound

-  knowledge of test applications

-  interpretation of data

-  Reporting


Students Receive

-  Online access to all learning materials

-  Course Resource Manual download

-  Assignments that provide hands-on training

-  Benchmark quizzes to assess student retention

-  ASU Level 1 Certification

-  IRISS Certificate of Completion

-  Access to SMART Academy Alumni Network


Level II Ultrasound 

Advancing the theory of ultrasound into the next generation. Designed to meet and exceed the ISO 18436-part 8 CAT 2 ASU outline and ANSI/ASNT CP-105 & CP-189 (2016) Level 2 recommended practices, this course teaches students about the principles of Ultrasound, Ultrasound Devices, and the use of Sound Analysis Software to determine previously unknown fault conditions that other courses couldn’t identify.


The student will be immersed in a Learner & Instructor Centered, Content Focused, Lecture Methodology that is proven to deliver through the use of self-paced video modules. Students will learn about the science of Ultrasound, the various applications for CBM based reliability, increase mean time between failure, and a decrease total cost of asset when the principles learned in the class are applied at the students site.


Note: 1 It is recommended that the student have 420 hours of operational use Ultrasound

         2.   For completion of assignments, student will need access to an Ultrasound Inspection Device and

               sound analysis software.


Course Objectives 

- Theory of Ultrasound and its many applications

- Data Mining, Management and Interpretation of Harmonic Indications

- Disposition of Anomalies, Benchmarking and Severity Determination 

- Principles of Condition Monitoring and managing a program

- Personal Safety

Students Receive 

- Online access to all learning materials

- Course Resource Manual download

- Download Soundwaves 

- Digital Handout Materials 

- Assignments that ptovide hands-on training

- Benchmark quizzes to assess student retention

- IRISS 18436-part 8 CAT 2 ASU Certification
- IRISS Certificate of Completion
- Access to SMART Academy Alumni Network



For NETA Accredited Companies the courses are eligible for NETA Continuing Technical Development Credits (CTDs). NETA Certified Technicians (Level III and Level IV) are required to earn a minimum of 48 CTDs every three years to maintain their certification.