06. Innova 3731

Innova 3731

SF6  Leak Detection System for Enclosed GIS Substations

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Innova 3731

SF6  Leak Detection System for Enclosed GIS Substations


The Advanced Energy Innova 3731 SF6 leak detection system uses photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) technology. It offers highly accurate and stable quantitative gas detection.


Advanced Energy’s Innova® 3731 SF6 system utilizes the ultra-sensitive photoacoustic sensing technique to provide a leak detection solution that monitors large switchgear rooms. The system verifies that GIS equipment operates below the 0.5% yearly leakage rate, which is the industrial target. And the 3731 system quickly detects any excessive increase in the leak rate.


Analog output is available for detection trending over time. Measurements are also stored in the internal memory. They can be exported to a remote LAN computer via the user-friendly software interface.


-  Available in 12- or 24-channel configuration to monitor large GIS installation
-  Simple installation procedure
-  Low cost of ownership
-  Multipoint sampling
-  Detection trending and automatic alarms



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